The BC Curriculum is a handy tool when it comes to designing coursework for students. It is online, straightforward, and easy-to-use for teachers and parents. It has multiple tabs at the top consisting of Home, Core Competencies, Curriculum, Assessment, and Graduation. Each tab highlights different features. The Home page keeps users up-to-date by showing them “what’s new” in the K-12 curriculum. The Core Competencies tab walks users through the three main core competencies that students will be building upon through their K-12 journey. Next, the Curriculum tab explains what students are supposed to know, learn, and demonstrate at each grade level. There are also useful tools such as background information about the curriculum, a curriculum overview for ease of viewing, indigenous education resources, languages templates and more. The Assessment tab provides detailed information about assessment on various levels from the classroom to provincial level. Finally, the Graduation tab has resources on helping students graduate along with the necessary requirements in order to be able to graduate.